The idea behind Child Trauma cover is that you insure your child so that, in the event of Baby Johnny suffering a Children's Medical event, one of the parents can take the time to be with them through treatment.
One of the other big benefits with Child Trauma cover is that it has a continuation option to an adult policy with no medical underwriting. This means that if Mum gets breast cancer while Baby Jane is in her teens, but has a Child Trauma policy in place, then it will not have any effect on Baby Jane's policy. No breast cancer exclusion, even if Mum has found out that she is carrying the BRCA gene. Now that is pretty handy.
It is a macabre subject, but it is also something that I feel needs to be addressed. I fervently hope that the policy doesn't get used, but honestly, what parent is willing to take the risk? You have bills to pay, probably other mouths to feed, so you cannot take indefinite unpaid leave. But at the same time, you really don't want to send your child for treatment with anyone but yourself. Insurance doesn't solve all of our problems, but it does provide you with the ability to buy time to work through them.
*Authorised Representative of Securitor Financial Group Ltd ABN 48 009
189 495 AFSL 240687.
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