Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Do you have children under 25? Then you need to read this....

Just so we're clear, I am not a conspiracy theorist by nature, and I am definitely not an alarmist. What I am is pragmatic, and passionate about the difference that insurance can make to a family. On the occasions where public policy, such as the 2018 budget, ignores common sense, and disadvantages the vulnerable in our community, I go into full rant mode, soapbox and all. This is one of those times.

The 2018 budget has come out and said that they are going to change the current system of default insurance cover, to an "opt-in" system if you are under 25. This means that when your Son or Daughter get their first job, and start having superannuation paid, you are going to have to hound them to tick the little box, and send it back to their superannuation company so that they have cover. Now, my daughter is only 5, but I can't imagine that I will develop the nagging prowess needed to get her to do anything that is remotely boring by the time she is 16. And what happens when she turns 25? Will she automatically be awarded insurance, or only if she opens a superannuation account with another provider? And what about the pre-existing condition exclusion clause for that time where she went and spoke to a Psychologist after her friend/family member/dog died and she needed someone to talk to?

Did you know that nearly 20% of all car accident deaths are in the 17 to 25 year old age group and that over a quarter of hospital admissions due to land transport accidents were aged 15 - 24? According to TAL's comparison calculator, only 10.5% of their Total and Permanent Disablement claims for females under 35 were paid for Accidents and Injuries. So the tragic News story that you see on Facebook is only the tip of the iceberg. Young people die or become disabled every day, and for a variety of reasons. What you don't necessarily hear about are the financial ramifications, and the ripple effect of not being covered. I'm here to change that.

The argument quoted by the Government is that those under the age of 25 don't need cover because they don't have mortgages or dependents. Apart from being a gross generalisation, I think that the politician in charge of listening to whoever proposed this argument is missing the point. A Ratecity report showed that in 2014, 42% of Australians under the Age of 24 had personal debt of between $10,000 to $30,000, and yet according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics their average superannuation balance in 2017 is only $5,011.

So, if my Daughter dies in a car accident at the Age of 24, and hasn't opted in, who will pay for her personal debt ($30,000), her funeral expenses ($15,000), and her legal fees ($5,000). Me (it's going to be me, isn't it?)? Her live in boyfriend (unlikely)? The Government (and we laugh, and laugh)? Dying isn't cheap, and someone needs to pay. Looking at this, I will not only need to go through the heartache of losing and burying my Daughter, but I'll also need to pony up around $45,000 that her Estate can't cover. Sure, some of the debts will be absorbed by the creditors, but that will just increase costs for society as a whole as loan providers factor in the increase in bad debts.

Now, let's assume that she didn't die in the car accident, but she sure as the sky is blue won't be working again. Ever. All of that potential, gone. All of our hopes and dreams, shattered. Not just for her, but any future retirement that I may have entertained as well. Rather than being able to provide for herself with insurance funds, and having the dignity of some independence, she will be emotionally and financially reliant on me. I will need to support her, and myself, for the rest of my life. Rather than receiving a regular income, and paying tax, on an income protection claim, my Daughter will become a burden to me. Now as a Daughter myself, I would rather die than do that to my parents. And I can guarantee you, that is what will happen.

So, to those congratulating themselves over saving those young ones an "extra" $500 a year, you aren't actually saving anyone anything. What you are doing is transferring the risk. The insurance companies can afford to charge a pittance of a premium because currently the risk pool is so broad. They will need to increase their premiums to cope with less people paying. So the risk is transferred to the individual who can't afford the now increased premiums, or to the parents of the individual who will no longer be able to afford to retire.

Find Erin* at Achieveit Financial Planning, or call for an appointment on 07 4638 5011.

*Authorised Representative of Securitor Financial Group Ltd ABN 48 009 189 495 AFSL 240687
This is general information only and does not consider your personal circumstances. You should not act on any recommendation without obtaining professional advice specific to your circumstances. We recommend you speak to a financial adviser before acting on any of the information you read on this website.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Financial planning for the future generation

Most parents would like to provide their children with a life that they can enjoy. What that looks like can differ greatly from one family to another, and even from one parent to the other. Many parents would like to provide financially for their children into adulthood, and then there are others who prefer to focus on life skills, and have a sink or swim attitude (no prizes for guessing where I sit on the spectrum).

One of the things that we always ask at Achieveit Financial Planning is what your ambitions for your children are. Your answers can tell us a lot about where you sit, and what kind of allowances that will need to be made for your own personal financial plan. For instance, if you would like to help your children attend University, then we need to establish what that assistance will look like, and work that into your future cash flow considerations. Or perhaps University isn't a priority, but giving the children a leg up into the property market is? Others still may provide board-free accommodation until the children are in full time work, and then they're out on their own. There really is no right, or wrong choice, as long as the expectations between the child and the parents are communicated.

Having this conversation about your children, with your partner is essential. There is the chance that you may not be on the same page, in which case, you will need to negotiate to find some common ground. Once you have these goals in mind, then we can start planning for them. What is your timeline, and how can we best use your resources to accomplish your goals? As always, the earlier you start with these things, the better.

Find Erin* at Achieveit Financial Planning, or call for an appointment on 07 4638 5011.
*Authorised Representative of Securitor Financial Group Ltd ABN 48 009 189 495 AFSL 240687
This is general information only and does not consider your personal circumstances. You should not act on any recommendation without obtaining professional advice specific to your circumstances. We recommend you speak to a financial adviser before acting on any of the information you read on this website.